Capability Management

Through the development and delivery of tailored capability solutions, Shamal can support organisations in achieving effective capability management to meet the sometimes competing strategic and operational organisational objectives.
Capability management aims to balance economy in meeting current operational requirements, with the sustainable use of current capabilities, and the development of future capabilities. Through a guided capability analysis process, Shamal Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) will:
- Assess the operational environment: to identify current and future threats and hazards;
- Determine required capabilities: to identify the capabilities to address the identified threats and hazards;
- Assess current capabilities: to define capability gaps;
- Determine recommended solutions: through an analysis of each capability gap, with materiel and non-material solutions recommended, and the development of an implementation plan;
- Implement solutions: to close the identified capability gaps.

Shamal utilises the Doctrine, Organisation, Training, Materiel, Leadership, Personnel, Facilities (DOTMLPF) framework to conduct systematic capability management analyses to assist organisations in determining optimal solutions to their capability gaps: Click the tabs below
- Is there existing doctrine that addresses or relates to the business need?
- Are there operating procedures in place that are not being followed which contribute to the identified need?
- Where is the problem occurring? What organisations are the problem occurring in?
- Is the organisation properly staffed and funded to deal with the issue?
- Is the issue caused, at least in part, by a lack of or inadequate training?
- Does training exist which addresses the issue, or will new training need to be developed?
- Is the issue caused, at least in part, by inadequate systems or equipment?
- Does leadership understand the scope of the problem?
- Does leadership have resources at its disposal to correct the issue?
- Is the issue caused, at least in part, by the inability or decreased ability to place qualified and trained personnel in the correct occupational specialties?
- Are the right personnel in the right positions (skill set match)?
- Are there vacancies being held in key positions that need to be filled?
- Is there a lack of maintenance?
- Is the problem caused, at least in part, by inadequate infrastructure?
Through our extensive local, regional, and international strategic partnerships, Shamal is able to implement innovative and cost-effective solutions to close identified capability gaps.
For more information, please reach out to our capability management team at:
Our Mission
and Vision
To improve individual, team, and organisational effectiveness and performance of the United Arab Emirates’ (UAEs) Safety, Security, Defence, Emergency Preparedness, and Crisis Management (SSDEC) sector through the development and delivery of tailored capability solutions.
To deliver an exceptional client experience with greater performance and lower costs, enabling Safety, Security, Defence, Emergency Preparedness, and Crisis Management (SSDEC) agencies to fulfil their missions.
Organisational Values:
Agility, Trustworthiness, Integrity, Excellence, Accountability, Commitment.

Contact Us
Contact the Shamal Solutions team to learn how we can best support you and your organisation.